Foul – Lebanese Fava Bean Vegan Breakfast



It may not look like much or sound as good as it tastes but foul is an incredibly delicious and healthy breakfast that’s extremely fast to prepare. In fact, it’s so good that it might also become your go-to after-work quick meal.

Pretty much, it’s bean mash on steroids; garlicy, lemony, and full of protein. Mop it up with some fresh pita bread, tomato, and parsley. Add a generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil…you’ll thank us.

Yields1 Serving
 1 can of Lebanese Foul cooked fava beans
 3 garlic cloves, minced
 1 pinch sea salt
 ½ lemon
 1 hand full of parsley roughly chopped
 1 large tomato, cubed
 olive oil for drizzling
Total Time10 mins

Empty the tin of Lebanese Foul cooked fava beans (with fluid) into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to the boil.


Crush minced garlic and sea salt with a mortar or scrape the salt and garlic together using the flat side of a knife. Mix with the lemon juice and set aside.


Coarsely mash the boiling Lebanese Foul with a potato masher. Some beans should still be visible.


Stir the lemon juice mixture through the beans.


Serve in bowls topped with parsley and tomato with a generous drizzle of olive oil, and Alamir Bakery Pita Bread on the side.



 1 can of Lebanese Foul cooked fava beans
 3 garlic cloves, minced
 1 pinch sea salt
 ½ lemon
 1 hand full of parsley roughly chopped
 1 large tomato, cubed
 olive oil for drizzling



Empty the tin of Lebanese Foul cooked fava beans (with fluid) into a medium-sized saucepan and bring to the boil.


Crush minced garlic and sea salt with a mortar or scrape the salt and garlic together using the flat side of a knife. Mix with the lemon juice and set aside.


Coarsely mash the boiling Lebanese Foul with a potato masher. Some beans should still be visible.


Stir the lemon juice mixture through the beans.


Serve in bowls topped with parsley and tomato with a generous drizzle of olive oil, and Alamir Bakery Pita Bread on the side.


Foul – Lebanese Fava Bean Vegan Breakfast